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Updated: Jun 11, 2023


I want to thank you for your continued support. All of the people that run for office are normally rich people or have financial backers to put millions of dollars into a campaign. I am going to do this grassroots style one state at a time to get on the ballot.

Colorado is the first target because it will assure me that I should be included in the polls and then we can start making others running for office and that are in office answer the questions you have that never get asked by anyone else. I am here to make sure they get asked those questions.

Running for office is a money game, they make it as hard as possible for a normal person to pull this off but we are going to give it one hell of a try.

To get on the ballot in each state I either have to pay their fee which is different in each state or go get signatures in each county which it costs more to have a team do that plus it will take forever is why people in the political arena already have money in the bank before they decide to run.

Colorado requires only $500.00 to guarantee I am on the ballot which not only put me in the primaries and make them have to acknowledge that I am really doing this, but it will be HISTORY that this has only been done three times in American History from Prison. We all know I am innocent. All you need to do is go to and watch the confessions from Allen, Jeff and James. However, the corruption within our Government is keeping me here because they won't admit they are wrong.

All I need is a little from a lot of people to make this happen, If you can help me assure this first ballot in Colorado, I would be forever in your debt $500.00 is not much to raise to start out with when 34 million people saw the show and know I stand or justice and your rights. If you can spare anything please donate at which is the campaign site and that money can only be used for campaign purposes. Anything raised over will go toward the next state and all financial information is put on the website so you know what is raised.

Thank you so much,

Joe Exotic

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